Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Catia & Allied Mechanical Training in Delhi

Catia, Pro/e and Solidworks are the CAD training courses offered to the candidates interested in mechanical engineering. Most of CAD training centers offer courses for Catia, Pro/e and Solidworks training. Have a quick look at all these three.  

Catia referred to Computer Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application is a multipurpose CAD/CME/CAM professional software which was developed by the French firm Dessault Systemes. As a cornerstone of the Dessault Systemes product lifecycle management software, Catia is written in C++ language. The CAD center offering Catia training in Delhi provide course having the duration of 80 hours. During the course, candidates learn CATIA User Interface, creating & editing sketches, editing parts in assembly, creating surface features, plotting and many more. 

Pro/e or pro/engineer is now known as PTC Creo. Developed by Parametric Technology Corporation, pro/e is an integrated 3D CAM/CME/CAD solution. Running on Microsoft Windows, it offers finite element analysis, solid modeling, assembly modeling & drafting, sub-divisional & nurbs surfacing, direct & parametric modeling and tooling functionality required for mechanical engineers. Pro/e training in Delhi gives you all to learn through Pro/engineering course of 8o hours.

As a 3D mechanical CAD program, Solidworks was developed by the French Company Dessault Systemes and runs on Microsoft Windows. It is currently used by more than 2 billion engineers and designers in around 165000 companies across the world. Solidworks training in Delhi offers you to get the knowledge about the program having 80 hours course duration. This training gives you know about sketcher basics, 3D sketching, creating reference geometric and many allied topics required to be a successful mechanical engineer.           

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